
This certification is 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网's way of annually recognizing and rewarding part-time 教员 who take advantage of 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网's professional development activities. The certification supports 教员 in 的ir ongoing commitment to 的 enhancement of 的ir knowledge, skills and abilities that lead to student learning or academic 成功.

Be a part of a professional development 程序 designed specifically for part-time 教员. 它提供了一个机会来加强你的教学实践和 student learning, while also becoming a part of a collaborative, innovative teaching 社区.


  • 获得副教员的称号.
  • Become part of a collaborative 社区 made up of 教员 from your campus 和全校.
  • Get tools and training to help you meet 的 expectations for being a great teacher 在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网.
  • 充分利用支持和资源.
  • 获得加薪(见下文的薪酬).



  • 兼职教师和图书管理员
  • 非教职员工,全职员工
  • 全职临时教员


  • 兼职教师的工资增加了大约40美元.每个联系人00美元 一个小时的教学(3小时的课程将提供大约120美元.00增加). *有关确切金额,请参阅本手册第7-10页  工资计划.
  • 非教员、全职员工的工资增加了大约40美元.00每 contact hour taught for overload 课程 只有 (a 3 contact hour course would provide 大约120美元.00增加). *有关确切金额,请参阅 的  工资计划.
  • 美高梅 instructors and part-time faculty compensated hourly or by clock-hour are not eligible for additional compensation associated with 的 Associate 教师 程序.
  • Part-time librarians who earn 的 Associate 教师 certification receive an increase 他们每小时的工资. *有关确切金额,请参阅本手册第16页   工资计划.


After 的 initial Associate 教师 Certificate is awarded, Associate 教师 are 要求每年更新一次认证. 继续接受增加 compensation, faculty must complete 20 hours of qualifying faculty development activities each year (from 7月1日 - 6月15日) and apply for 的 Associate 教师 renewal, PD 6月15日以后开始的课程将不适用. 更新过程不是自动的. 有关更多信息,请参见 续期认证要求 下面的部分.


To earn 的 Associate 教师 Certificate, you will need to complete 60 hours of 教师 发展博士学位课程(见下文). 工作时间是通过验证的 专业发展成绩单. After attaining 的 required 60 hours, complete 的 online 副教员资格证书 6月15日截止申请. 这个项目的资格不是自动获得的. (见 应用程序)

1. 必修课:30学时

LCTS1110:在我们的学习学院教学(以前的LCTS1111) - 30学时

This course introduces 的 Essential 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网教育工作者的能力 and provides faculty with tools and resources to become more effective, learning-centered instructors. 参与者将制定“我的发展计划”和以学习为中心的教学大纲. *It is recommended to 成功fully complete this course before completing optional 课程.

2. 选修课:30学时

成功完成30小时的教师发展博士学位课程 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网.



For a list of recommended optional 课程 for faculty new to 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网 or new to teaching, 看到 推荐的课程.


After 的 initial Associate 教师 Certificate is awarded, Associate 教师 are 要求每年更新一次认证. 继续接受增加 compensation, faculty must complete 20 hours of qualifying faculty development activities 每年(7月1日至6月15日)申请续聘副教员 6月15日以后开始的课程将不适用 . 更新过程不是自动的. 如有任何问题,请联系校园主任或FID. (见 应用程序)

How do I renew my 副教员资格证书 using 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网 professional development 只有?

  • Complete 20 hours of qualifying faculty development activities from 7月1日st - June 15th
  • 在6月15日前完成副教授续期申请

For each renewal cycle, up to 5 professional development hours from an external professional development activity (conference, workshop, course, etc) may be applied towards your 助理教员证书续期.

The requirements to renew with external professional development credit (up to 5 pd 个小时):

  1. External professional development activities must be related to one of 的 Essential 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网教育工作者的能力.
  2. You must seek approval from your Dean to apply external professional development activities completed during 的 current academic year towards your 副教员资格证书 在参加外部活动之前进行续签. 你的院长会提供 的 form for documentation needed to complete 的 external activities, and 的 amount of professional development hours awarded (up to 5 per academic year) that will be applied towards 的 20 professional development hours required for your current renewal.
  3. 文档ation of your participation in 的 external professional development activities 必须提供. 文件可以包括:成功完成学业的成绩单; certificate of 成功ful completion, conference attendance evidence, statement of application to practice (brief reflective statement or self-assessment of activity) or examples of application to practice (innovation, lesson plan, student work, etc)
  4. Once you completed 的 approved external professional development activities within 的 current academic year, submit form with your dean's signature along with 的 documentation of 的 completed activities as part of your Associate 教师 Renewal with external 专业发展申请截止日期为6月15日. (见 应用程序)

What happens if I do not meet 的 criteria to renew my Associate 教师 Annual Certificate?

If a faculty member does not meet 的 criteria for 的 Associate 教师 Annual Certification Renewal by 6月15日th deadline, 的 Associate 教师 Status will become inactive and 从下个秋季学期开始,补偿金的增加将停止. 教师 会员可在以后的任何一年重新获得副教员年度证书 遵循更新认证要求.











*for renewal with external professional development, submit form signed by Dean by 随应用程序上传





通知邮件和信件已发送 教师发展办公室 7月15日 通知申请人申请的状态







  1. 我什么时候能收到赔偿?
    • Annual 副教员资格证书 compensation is effective for 的 Fall, Spring, 在颁发证书的学年之后的夏季学期.
    • To continue earning 的 副教员资格证书 compensation, annual renewal 是必需的.
  2. 什么是“合格”的教师发展活动?
    • Any seminar, workshop or course listed in 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网's 教师 and Instructional 发展 课程目录.
    • 请注意,澳门美高梅网上赌场官网员工发展研讨会不计算在内.
    • 如何选择和登记教师发展活动.
  3. 我如何申请我的初级副教员证书?*
    • Complete 的 required 60 hours of qualifying faculty development activities by June 15.
    • 6月15日前完成在线副教授认证申请.
  4. When should I complete 的 online application for 的 initial Associate 教师 Certificate?
    • 教师 members should complete 的 online application AFTER 的 required hours have 6月15日完工.
  5. 我如何记录我的专业发展时间?
    • As of Fall 2005, a transcript of professional development activities has been available 通过阿特拉斯系统发送给教职员工.
    • 如何获取专业发展成绩单


现在就申请 副教员资格证书 2025 - 2026年